

White House Is Looking Into Pruitt's Use Of Lobbyist's Apartment

The White House is reportedly conducting a review of EPA head Scott Pruitt's activities.

The White House is reportedly conducting a review of Scott Pruitt's activities. That's according to multiple outlets.  

The review comes after news that the head of the Environmental Protection Agency leased a Washington, D.C., apartment from the family of an energy lobbyist. Bloomberg reports Pruitt paid $50 a night, but only when he actually slept at the apartment. In total, he reportedly paid $6,100 over six months to lease the room. 

The Trump administration reportedly wasn't satisfied with the statement the EPA released last week that said Pruitt's living conditions didn't break federal ethics rules. The inquiry is reportedly meant to determine whether Pruitt violated those rules. 

Pruitt was also criticized recently for spending more than $100,000 on first-class airline travel during his first year on the job and more than $50,000 on charter flights and a military plane last year. 

The EPA's inspector general has been investigating those trips.