

White House Won't Confirm Or Deny Trump's 'Covfefe' Tweet Was A Typo

The early morning tweet went viral, spurring memes and the creation of "covfefe" merchandise.

The White House won't say that President Donald Trump made a typo while tweeting very early Wednesday morning.

It all started with a tweet in the first few minutes of the day from Trump's personal account. It said: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe."

Yep, that fragment was it. And then Trump's Twitter account went silent for several hours. 

During that time, the internet had a lot of questions, like: "How do you even pronounce it?" and "What was the president trying to say?" 

The charitable interpretation is that Trump meant to spell out "coverage." But as of Wednesday afternoon, Trump's followers still didn't have any clear answers about what he was getting at.

During an off-camera briefing with reporters, White House press secretary Sean Spicer only said, "The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant."

But that's hard for people to believe, especially since the tweet wasn't a complete sentence and was deleted from the president's personal account before 6 a.m. 

The presumably made-up word ended up trending on social media, with memes galore and "covfefe" merchandise for sale.

The president himself apparently took notice early on. He tweeted shortly after 5 a.m.: "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"