PoliticsSupreme Court


White House Defends Trump's Comments About Dr. Ford As 'Facts'

During a rally Tuesday night, President Trump appeared to mock one of the women who's accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Did President Trump mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at his rally in Mississippi Tuesday night? Depends on who you ask. 

"Thirty six years ago this happened. I had one beer, right. I had one beer. Well you think I was not. There was one girl. Oh good. How did you get home? I don't remember. How did you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was that? I don't know," Trump said Tuesday night at a rally. 

Trump's comment got laughter and applause from the crowd, but he's been hit with criticism back in Washington D.C. And some of that has come from members of his own party. 

"You can't blame other people for what the president says. I thought it was obviously insensitive and appalling, frankly. It's no time or place particularly to discuss something so sensitive, at a political rally. It was just wrong," Sen. Jeff Flake said. 

"The president's comments were just plain wrong," Sen. Susan Collins said. 

The White House is defending his remarks. 

"The President was stating the facts, and frankly, facts that were included in special prosecutor Rachel Mitchell's report. He was stating facts that were given during Dr. Ford's testimony," Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday. 

Aside from the credibility of Ford's allegations, the White House is still trying to secure the votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. Sens. Flake and Collins are two of the handful of lawmakers yet to decide how they plan to vote. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN