

Why Almost Half The World Is Projected To Be Nearsighted By 2050

Our modern, computer-centric lifestyles could be why researchers think the number of nearsighted people might increase.
Posted at 4:47 PM, Feb 20, 2016

Yet another study on nearsightedness says more of us will develop the condition.

Other studies have shown there's an increase in nearsightedness in different regions of the world, but this study analyzed data on nearsightedness from around the globe.

The study in the journal Ophthalmology looked at 145 studies encompassing 2.1 million people. Based on the analysis, researchers say about half the world will be nearsighted by 2050.

And about 10 percent will have high myopia, or nearsightedness, based on researchers' estimates.

Those numbers could be pretty serious, considering nearsightedness could put you at an increased risk for permanent vision loss.

A growing body of research on the condition suggests more time indoors, increased screen time and high-pressure education systems are partially to blame.

The study in Ophthalmology suggests if urbanization continues increasing across the world, that 2050 estimate could be difficult to avoid.

Some research suggests lifestyle changes like spending more time outside and taking frequent breaks from the computer screen might reduce your risk of nearsightedness.

This video includes images from Sam Bald / CC BY 2.0ocean yamaha / CC BY 2.0 and noir imp / CC BY 2.0.