

Winter Solstice Brings Shortest Day Of The Year

The winter solstice is when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted farthest away from the sun — bringing the shortest amount of sunlight of the year.
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If you're feeling a little distant this morning, you're not alone. It's the winter solstice — when the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is tilted as far as possible away from the sun. That brings the shortest amount of daylight and the longest amount of darkness.

We are over the hump, so starting tomorrow there will be a little bit more sunlight each day until the summer solstice in June. Then we'll move in the other direction and lose a little sunlight each day.

Meteorological Winter Begins

Meteorological Winter Begins

Meteorological winter runs from Dec. 1 through the end of February. How this winter will impact you depends on where you live.