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Air Force General Fired For Drunken Antics: Report

According to an investigative report, Maj. Gen. Michael Carey had a few drunken nights in Moscow that left the Air Force with a major headache.
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Maj. Gen. Michael Carey had a few drunken nights in Moscow that left the Air Force with a major headache, according to an investigative report.

Carey, who was a commander of the Air Force's land-based nuclear missile force, was in Russia on an official visit when he reportedly had a little too much to drink over the course of three days. (Via RT)

The Air Force released a report on Wednesday with the details of Carey's behavior. They found that Carey's actions "exceeded the limits of accepted standards of good conduct and proper behavior." (Via The Washington Post)

Carey apparently started drinking during a long layover in the Zurich airport and didn't stop for the rest of the trip.

During his first night in town, he allegedly drank, made off-color remarks about "Eric" Snowden and Syria, then met up with two foreign nationals at a nearby hotel. Carey later revealed he was "suspicious about their overt friendliness toward a visiting U.S. military commander in charge of nuclear secrets." (Via Slate)

He also reportedly embarrassed the delegation by stopping a tour of a monastery and tried to fist bump the tour guide. (Via Daily Mail)

Reports say he was also rude to his Russian hosts, U.S. delegates and repeatedly pouted and sulked during a nuclear security exercise. (Via CNN)

Carey has been dismissed from his previous post as chief of the 20th Air Force Global Strike Command and is now a special assistant at the Air Force Space Command. (Via Al Jazeera)

Carey has since defended his embarrassing "Hangover"-like actions to investigators, but those who worked with him said they were shocked by his actions. Though he was removed from his command job, he will reportedly keep his rank and won't face any more discipline.