U.S. News


Boston Firefighters Keep Promise, Deliver Wedding Ring

Boston firefighters promised the wife of Lt. Ed Walsh they would find his wedding band and they delivered. Walsh died in the 9-alarm fire in Boston.
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After losing her husband in the 9-alarm fire in Boston last week, the wife of fallen firefighter Lt. Ed Walsh had just one wish ... to find her husband's wedding band. Despite all odds, Boston firefighters were able to find it among the rubble.

"Six investigators hand sifted debris. Fire investigator Patty Donovan ... spotted the ring." (Via WBZ-TV)

​At that point, Lt. Walsh's wake was already underway Wednesday. Firefighters rushed to the church to deliver the ring to Kristen. (Via WFXT)

A columnist for The Boston Globewrote of the moment she got the ring: "Kristen Walsh took the ring and slid it on her finger. It was big, real big, but it fit in all the ways that matter."

"I told Mrs. Walsh I wish we could've brought Eddie home, but we brought home what we could." (Via WBZ-TV)

That 9-alarm fire also took the life of firefighter Michael Kennedy. Both men were trapped inside the building and were later found in the basement where the fire was said to have started. (Via CNN)

"In 30 years I have never seen a fire travel that fast, escalate that quickly and create such havoc in such a short period of time."

"Citizens were saved and that's what we do. We sacrafice for the citizens of the city of Boston." (Via Fox News)

More than a dozen firefighters were also injured during the fire. Everyone living in the building were able to escape safely.