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Albania announces people will have to apply for a permit to leave home for necessities, China sends medical aid to Pakistan, civil rights leader dies
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Good morning everyone, I'm Gage Jackson and here's a look at the stories Newsy is watching now.

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, Albania's government has undertaken one of the strictest containment strategies yet. The Balkan country is now requiring citizens to apply for a permit to leave the house for necessities. Only one person per family will be approved to run essential errands, and necessary businesses will only be open from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Meanwhile, China sent Pakistan a plane full of medical personnel and virus-fighting supplies. Pakistan announced the shipment on Saturday, saying the support includes 12,000 test kits, 3 million masks and 10,000 protective suits. The countries have a strategic partnership. It includes military aid and a shared highway project intended to enhance trade between China and central Asia.

And civil rights leader Joseph Lowery died of natural causes Friday. He was 98. Lowery was best known as an aide and friend to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. He spent around half his life fighting segregation, and lived to see the first black president. In 2009, he led prayer at President Barack Obama's inauguration and later that year was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Lowery is survived by his three daughters.

Stick with Newsy — we'll be bringing you updates on the coronavirus pandemic and on other top stories.