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Bill Shine Resigns As White House Communications Director

The White House confirmed Friday that President Donald Trump accepted Shine's resignation.

White House communications director Bill Shine has resigned from his position, press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed Friday. 

The former Fox News executive will now serve as senior adviser to President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election campaign. 

He was tapped for the White House role in July 2018 after leaving the television network amid scrutiny over his handling of sexual harassment allegations. 

Shine's the fifth communications director to step down during President Trump's time in office. Sean Spicer, Mike Dubke, Anthony Scaramucci and Hope Hicks also held the position. 

A reason for Shine's resignation wasn't given, but some media outlets speculate that the president might not have been fully satisfied with the media coverage he received under Shine's direction. 

In a statement, President Trump said Shine did "an outstanding job" working for the administration.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN