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Case Against Officer Who Shot And Killed Walter Scott Ends In Mistrial

The jury in the trial of former police officer Michael Slager couldn't reach a unanimous verdict.

The results are in. And the South Carolina jury considering the death of Walter Scott couldn't come to a verdict

Former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager faced a murder trial for Scott's death. 

In April 2015, Slager pulled over Scott for a broken taillight. After a short conversation between the two, dashcam video shows Scott running away from the car. After a foot chase, Slager fired eight shots, killing Scott. 

SEE MORE: The Officer Who Killed Walter Scott Is In A Historically Rare Position

Throughout deliberations, the jury sent multiple notes to the judge. One of those notes was a letter from the one juror who couldn't agree with the others.

"I still cannot without a reasonable doubt convict the defendant. At the same time, my heart does not want to have to tell the Scott family the man that killed their son, brother and father is innocent," the letter said. 

At one point on Friday, the jury foreperson indicated the jury might be able to reach a unanimous verdict if given an additional explanation of the law. Even with that information, the jurors still could not come to a unanimous decision. 

The jury was still undecided on Monday. 

The jury had three options to consider: murder, voluntary manslaughter or acquittal. 

Because of the deadlocked jury, the judge declared a mistrial. Now, the prosecution has to decide whether to try the case again.