U.S. News


Can't Decide Where To Go For Grad School? These Rankings Could Help

U.S. News and World Report has released its rankings for the best graduate schools in the nation.

Can't decide where to go for grad school? Maybe the 2017 U.S. News and World Report rankings can help. 

In business, Harvard Business School knocked off Stanford University's Graduate School of Business for first place. Stanford and the University of Chicago tied for second. 

1. Harvard Business School

2. (tie) Stanford University's Graduate School of Business

2. (tie) Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago

For law school, Yale once again reigned supreme, with Harvard and Stanford tying for the second spot. 

1. Yale Law School

2. (tie) Harvard Law School

2. (tie) Stanford Law School

In medicine, Harvard once again ranked first, with Stanford in second. Three schools tied for third place. 

1. Harvard

2. Stanford

3. Three schools tied for third

Johns Hopkins University knocked off University of Pennsylvania to earn nursing's No. 1 spot. UC San Francisco slid into third place. 

1. Johns Hopkins 

2. University of Pennsylvania

3. UC San Francisco 

For engineers, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology grabbed first. Stanford and UC Berkeley settled in at No. 2 and No. 3, respectively. 

1. MIT

2. Stanford

3. UC Berkeley 

Move over, Johns Hopkins, because Stanford just snatched the top spot for education grads. Harvard shared second with Johns Hopkins. 

1. Stanford 

2. (tie) Johns Hopkins

2. (tie) Harvard

For the full rankings, check out the U.S. News and World Report website. 

This video includes images from David Wilson / CC BY 2.0callison-burch / CC BY 2.0 and Getty Images.