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Check Out This $9.8 Million, 84-Year-Old House For Sale

Our partner KMGH scouted what it calls the priciest property in Denver. The mansion includes six bedroom suites and sterling silver light fixtures.
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This 84-year-old mansion might not be in everyone's price range, but it never hurts to look, right? Our partners at KMGH got a tour inside what the station calls the priciest property in Denver. It boasts six bedroom suites, hand-carved bookcases and 2 acres of property, just to name a few features. 

"A 1930s home that truly hasn't changed as much except for an updated kitchen," the KMGH reporter said.

"The owner of the house is a gourmet cook, and she can prepare dinner for 40, easily 50," realtor Annzo Phelps said.

"With backsplashes designed to look like the Rocky Mountains, this kitchen has three refrigerators, two dishwashers and in case you have a butler," the reporter said.

"You're stepping into the butler's pantry," Phelps said.

And it can be yours for the low, low price of $9.8 million. Kentwood Real Estate calls it one of the "last grand mansions" and notes the home hasn't been on the market since 1953.

"The light fixtures and sconces are sterling silver; the fireplace is travertine," Phelps explained.

"Wow," the reporter said.

"This is where the family bedrooms are. That is the current owner's mother. She bought the house with her husband in 1953," Phelps said.

"They bought it for $85,000 out of foreclosure, all 15,000 square feet," the reporter said.

The house also has its own elevator because, why the heck not? The realtor told KMGH it's thought to be the first residential elevator in Denver. We can't confirm that, but — it sure sounds like a good selling point.

The home also has a Jacuzzi room and three sets of washers and dryers. The previous owner told the realtor there's a secret tunnel in the basement, but the realtor couldn't find it.