U.S. News


Chelsea Manning Could Be Moved To Civilian Prison

Convicted whistleblower Chelsea Manning could be moved to a civilian prison to receive treatment for her gender disorder.
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The Pentagon is working to move convicted whistleblower Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley, to a civilian prison so she can receive treatment for her gender disorder — this according to several reports. (Via U.S. Army)

A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed to The New York Times Wednesday morning Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel approved a request from the Army to consider "potential treatment options for inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria."

Those options include a transfer from the all-male detention facilities at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where Manning is currently serving a 35-year sentence for turning over more than 700,000 classified files to WikiLeaks in 2009 and 2010. (Via U.S. Army, ABC)

Manning was recently approved for a name change and diagnosed with gender dysphoria when she asked to live as a woman. (Via Al Jazeera)

But ​when she asked for prescribed hormone therapy, the Defense Department couldn't comply. As The Washington Post points out, U.S. military prisons don't offer treatment for gender disorders.

And Manning can't be discharged during her prison sentence, even though the U.S. military doesn't allow transgender people to serve.

Unnamed officials are reportedly worried keeping Manning behind bars where she cannot get treatment could be seen as cruel and unusual punishment. (Via Fox News)

So, in order to get the hormone therapy she's requested while behind bars, Manning must be transferred. Which civilian facility she would be moved to exactly is unclear, but USA Today reports the Department of Veterans Affairs does provide such treatment for veterans.

The Pentagon's spokesperson said Wednesday a definite decision to move Manning hasn't been made yet. But he did say any decision will "properly balance the soldier's medical needs with our obligation to ensure she remains behind bars."