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Bloomberg: NY Prepares Charges Against Manafort In Case He's Pardoned

Bloomberg reports that New York prosecutors are readying state tax and bank fraud charges against Paul Manafort in the event that he is pardoned.

Bloomberg is reporting that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort could face criminal charges in New York in the future. 

The media outlet reports that the New York District Attorney's office is preparing tax and bank fraud-related charges against Manafort if he were to receive a presidential pardon. 

A U.S. president can issue a pardon for federal crimes, and President Donald Trump told media outlets last year that he hadn't necessarily ruled it out in Manafort's case. 

The president doesn't, however, have that same power in state cases, hence the reported move by New York prosecutors. 

Manafort's scheduled to be sentenced next month in two federal cases brought forth by special counsel Robert Mueller for financial crimes. Both cases are tied to Mueller's Russia investigation. 

It's likely that Manafort's legal team would challenge New York's potential efforts, citing constitutional protections. 

So far, neither the White House nor Manafort have issued public comments on the report. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN