U.S. NewsCrime


Protests Over Fatal Shooting Of Carnell Snell Jr. Pass Second Night

Carnell Snell Jr. was fatally shot by police last week after fleeing a traffic stop.

Protests over the fatal police shooting of Carnell Snell Jr. continued for a second night Sunday.

Protesters reportedly vandalizedlocal stores and painted graffiti on businesses.

Another group of protesters threw eggs at Mayor Eric Garcetti's home. 

Those protests were spurred by an incident that happened Saturday afternoon. Los Angeles police attempted to pull over 18-year-old Snell when they noticed the car he was in had paper plates. At first, the car did not stop — but when it did, two men got out and fled.  

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Officers pursued the suspects through a residential area. Witnesses reportedly heard four to five shots, and Snell was pronounced dead at the scene. Investigators say a gun was recovered at the scene. 

Police say the second suspect is still at large.

The LA protests come only days after another fatal shooting in El Cajon, California, that sparked outrage among several communities. 

Surveillance video shows police fatally shooting Alfred Olango after he pointed a vaping pen at officers. Olango was reportedly unarmed. Protesters demonstrated for several days following that shooting.

It's a tense time for police officers nationwide. Aside from the two California shootings, officers have been involved in recent fatal encounters in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Tulsa, Oklahoma.