U.S. NewsCrime


Special Counsel's Team Wants To Keep Paul Manafort In Jail

Manafort's legal team says his confinement about two hours from Washington, D.C., is complicating his trial preparation.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is trying to block former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort's bid to get out of jail before his two criminal trials.

Manafort faces charges relating to money laundering and acting as an unregistered foreign agent. He also faces separate charges of bank fraud and tax violations.

Manafort's legal team says he's being held in solitary confinement and that his confinement, about two hours from Washington, D.C., is complicating his trial preparation.

A lower court decided to jail Manafort for alleged witness tampering ahead of his two trials, and Mueller's team says that decision should stand. Manafort's attorneys argue that since the alleged tampering didn't involve violence or the threat of violence, Manafort should be allowed out of jail.

One of Manafort's trials is set to start later this month.