U.S. NewsCrime


Texas Gov. Unveils New School Safety Strategy After Santa Fe Shooting

Gov. Greg Abbott's strategy calls for increasing law enforcement presence and decreasing entries and exits at schools.

Nearly two weeks after a shooting at Santa Fe High School left 10 people dead, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott laid out his new strategy to address school safety.

"Everybody in this entire process and everybody in the state of Texas never wants to see another occasion where innocent children are gunned down in their own schools," Abbott said.

During an event at the Dallas Independent School District's administration building, Abbott said he wants to implement "school hardening strategies" — like reducing the number of entries and exits at schools and installing active shooter alarm systems.

Abbott's strategy also calls for more school marshals, increased law enforcement presence at schools and active shooter and emergency response training.

Abbott unveiled the new plan just one day after he visited Santa Fe High School. It was the first day the school had been open to students since the May 18 shooting.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.