U.S. NewsCrime


Virginia Day Care Worker Convicted In 'Baby Fight Club' Case

Sarah Jordan and another worker were arrested in November 2013 and charged with child abuse and other related charges.

A former Virginia day care teacher faces up to 41 years in prison after she was convicted on more than a dozen criminal charges, including abusing children. 

Sarah Jordan was convicted on 13 felony and misdemeanor counts, including child cruelty and assault and battery. She was found not guilty on four counts, and the judge threw out more than 20 counts. 

"It pissed me off. She knows what she did. I'm just glad justice prevailed," parent Blake Buckner told WUSA

Jordan was accused of intentionally tripping children, stepping on their toes, making them fight each other and spraying them with hoses until they cried. 

"Since then, he won't go in the bathtub. He won't go in the big bathtub. The only way that we can bathe him is in the sink," a parent of one of the children told WRC-TV.

Jordan and another employee were arrested in November 2013.

Minnieland Academy's founders, Chuck and Jackie Leopold, responded to the arrests, saying the staff members involved were immediately fired. 

"A few former staff members recently demonstrated unacceptable behavior," Chuck Leopold said.  

Jordan is being jailed until her sentencing in May.