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Deals On Dining Out: Top Apps For Saving Money

DailyFinance released a list of the best apps to download if you want to save money dining out.

Doesn't that sit-down meal at your favorite restaurant sound good? Well, don't get too attached to eating out if you're looking to save money. Or at the very least, think with your phone and not with your stomach the next time you want to dine out.

DailyFinance has seven of the best apps to you save money at restaurants, inspired at least in part by Visa's 2013 study that showed all of us eat out for lunch an average of twice a week. That comes to $936 a year spent just on lunch outings.

First off, if you haven't taken advantage of some buy-one-get-one deals and others like it at Groupon, where have you been? The benefit here is if you buy a Groupon coupon and don't use it in time, the money still counts toward the next coupon you buy. 

Yelp advertises itself as the go-to spot for 100 million visitors a month looking to connect with local businesses, including restaurants. It's hard to argue with that many people using one service.

For big city foodies, consider Scoutmob. The app has people on the ground — or scouts — who check out new hot spots or off-the-beaten path restaurants and then negotiate exclusive deals for their customers. 

And, like many of these services, Restaurant.com's app keeps you from having to print out coupons and vouchers with the added benefit of built-in mapping to get you where you want to eat. 

And make sure to check out the rest of the apps listed in DailyFinance, like DealNews, LivingSocial and BiteHunter.

This video includes an image from Getty Images.