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Georgia Man Accused Of Murdering His Toddler Will Face Trial

A judge said the Georgia man who's accused of murdering his infant son by leaving him in a hot car will stand trial and might face the death penalty.
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A judge denied bail to the Georgia man who's accused of murdering his toddler by leaving him in a hot car and said the man will now stand before a grand jury for the charges.

Thursday we caught glimpse of how the prosecution plans to approach the case. (Via WXIA)

First off, Cobb County Police Detective Phil Stoddard testified that electronic records showed Justin Ross Harris was "sexting" young women while his 22-month-old son, Cooper, was in the car. (Via WSB-TV)

ATTORNEY: "Were photos sent back and forth between these women during the day while the child was out in the car?"
(Via CNN)

ATTORNEY: "Did the wife tell you anything they were having any problems in their marriage?"
DETECTIVE: "Leanna stated that they were having intimacy problems."

Detective Stoddard is also quoted in NBC saying the father wanted a "child-free life," and, "Evidence shows he has this whole second life ... with alternate personas."

So, the prosecution appears to be building a case that ties in those marriage problems with other evidence suggesting Harris intended to kill his son by leaving him in the car.

"Warrants allege Harris had researched kids dying in hot cars on the internet. A source close to the investigation tells NBC News that research happened before the day Cooper died."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports those same warrants extend to his wife, Leanna Harris, who also allegedly searched the web for "car deaths and how it occurs."

Plus, the warrants reportedly revealed Justin Harris had returned to his car during a lunch break to put something in it and then left the car while the boy was still inside.

WXIA also said Harris and his wife had "two life insurance policies" for Cooper. One for $2,000 and another for $25,000.

"We know what happened. This is what's the motive? Is there an intent to kill or is this a negligent act?"

CBS reports Harris' defense attorney said his client's use of the internet and the alleged "sexting" still had nothing to do with actual intent and were only "used to publicly shame him."

According to WSB-TV, the judge said there's now enough evidence to consider a death penalty sentence for Harris. His wife Leanna has not been charged with any crime.