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Alabama's Chief Justice Is On Trial For Ethics Charges ... Again

This time, Roy Moore is being accused of abusing his power by trying to stop same-sex couples from marrying in the state.
and last updated

Alabama's chief justice could lose his job for the second time in 13 years.

This time, he's being accused of abusing his power by trying to stop same-sex couples from marrying in the state.

Roy Moore is scheduled to stand trial Wednesday to defend himself against several judicial ethics charges. 

It all started back in January, when Moore sent an administrative order to state probate judges telling them it was their "ministerial duty" not to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

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The problem is, the U.S. Supreme Court had legalized same-sex marriage at that point, and a federal ruling had declared the Alabama Supreme Court ban unconstitutional. 

Moore denies the accusations. He claims he simply told the judges that there was still a conflict between state and federal court orders.

This could end up being the second time Moore is removed as chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court because of orders seemingly involving his religious beliefs.

In 2001, Moore installed a Ten Commandments monument in the Supreme Court rotunda in the middle of the night without telling fellow justices.

When he refused a federal order to get rid of the monument two years later, the oversight body removed him from the bench. Moore was re-elected to the court in 2012.

The Alabama Court of the Judiciary has 10 days after the trial to decide if it will remove Moore from the bench. The decision has to be unanimous.

In the meantime, Moore's suspension continues.

Correction: A previous version of this video incorrectly stated that Roy Moore was suspended without pay. The video has been updated.