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Court TV: Jury Selection Continues In Derek Chauvin Murder Trial

Just under half of the seats have been filled and two alternates have been selected.

Jury selection in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin continues here in Minneapolis at the Hennepin County Courthouse. 

The attorneys and the judge have been working hard to impanel a jury of 12. With two alternates so far, they've seated five jurors for the trial, including four men and one female, all in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

These attorneys are asking them several different questions to get to know the potential jurors, including more about themselves, how they would handle a conflict situation or work as a team. Other questions involve the incident itself: How many times have they watched the viral video when George Floyd lost his life back in 2020?

They're also being asked if they can set aside any of their potential opinions about the case, what they've heard about the case, any bias -- and be a fair and impartial juror. So far, all five of those have passed that part of the test, and this will continue until they impaneled the full amount of jurors needed for this case. 

This is all happening at the Hennepin County Courthouse where these attorneys are waiting for a possible stay in the proceeding from the Court of Appeals, because pending over all this is whether or not the prosecution will be able to reinstate another charge against Derek Chauvin, and that is third-degree murder.

That is the latest here from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I'm Chanley Painter with Court TV.