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Fast-Food Workers Nationwide Strike For $15 Minimum Wage

In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, low-wage workers are showing their political power in hopes of a minimum-wage increase.
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Fast-food workers in more than 270 cities staged a walkout Tuesday in demand of a $15 minimum wage. 

The demands from the "Fight for 15" movement are far from new, but the walkout is being called the largest effort yet. 

The battle for a $15 minimum wage in the fast-food industry was already won in New York, but local workers are still protesting in solidarity. This time around, the demonstrations aren't limited to food service, but include other low-wage industries like in-home health care, child care and maintenance. (Video via WPIX)

And now the protesters are trying to make it an election issue, with a demonstration planned  outside the Republican debate in Milwaukee Tuesday night. (Video via KNBC)

Low-wage workers could be a powerful political force — 42 percent of the workforce makes less than $15 an hour, with the federal minimum wage currently set at $7.25. (Video via KTVU)

An October poll showed that 65 percent of those workers would be more likely to vote if a candidate supported a $15 minimum wage and unionization.

And presidential candidates are taking notice. Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tweeted support for the campaign. 

This video includes images from Getty Images.