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George Floyd's Brother Holds Prayer Vigil, Calls For Peaceful Protests

Terrence Floyd urged protesters to remain peaceful and to vote for change.

"What’s his name? George Floyd. ... What's his name? George ... Floyd ... George ... Floyd George ... Floyd."

Terrence Floyd visited his older brother George Floyd's memorial site in Minneapolis on Monday. A paint outline of George Floyd's body where he took his last breaths a week ago is surrounded by flowers, signs and balloons.

"My family is a peaceful family. My family is God-fearing. Yeah, we're upset, but we're not going to take it. We're not going to be repetitious. In every case of police brutality, the same thing has been happening: Y'all protest, y'all destroy stuff."

Amid protests that turned violent over the last week, Terrence Floyd pleaded with the diverse crowd there and the public to be peaceful. 

"I understand y'all [are] upset, like it was already said. I doubt y'all [are] half as upset as I am. So if I'm not over here wiling out, if I'm not over here blowing up stuff, if I'm not over here messing up my community, what are y'all doing? Y'all [are] not doing nothing. Because that's not going to bring my brother back at all."

He also called on those outraged to use their voices and vote to make change. 

"Let's do this another way ... Let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote. Not just vote for president. Vote for the preliminaries. Vote for everybody."

Terrence Floyd was joined by civil rights leader Rev. Kevin McCall and attorney Sandford Rubenstein. McCall said the family is calling for peace and justice. They are condemning all four officers involved in George Floyd's arrest and said they will not rest until justice is done. 

"Now, like Rev. McCall said, peace on the left. Y'all forgot already? Peace on the left, justice on the right."

"Peace on the left, justice on the right. Peace on the left, justice on the right. Peace on the left, justice on the right."

Contains footage fromCNN.