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Leaked Screenshots Could Show iOS 8

Images posted on Chinese social site Sina Weibo appear to show the latest developments of Apple's upcoming mobile operating system.
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Mere days after Apple released the latest version of iOS 7, screenshots of its replacement have already leaked. Are you really that surprised?

These shots, posted to Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo, were verified by 9to5Mac. Though the images' source is "uncertain," you're looking at what could be iOS 8.

According to the site, Apple’s latest mobile platform could add several new apps, including iOS versions of desktop apps Preview, an image editor, and TextEdit, a word processor.

9to5Mac adds that instead of being mobile tools for word processing and image manipulation, users would only work with the iOS versions to view and track Preview and TextEdit files shared in the user’s iCloud account.

 But maybe the most interesting revelation is an app titled Healthbook. 

Here's how one Behance user imagines the app, which is supposedly a fitness tracker that logs users’ calories and workouts. A report from AppleInsider hints that Healthbook could connect to Apple’s rumored iWatch project.

The site writes, “Apple's proposed implementation looks to intelligently parse generated raw data, translating it into an accurate representation of steps taken and distance traveled.”

And there's more. BGR reports Apple Maps and iTunes Radio will be getting major overhauls as Apple looks to compete with Google and Pandora's mobile offerings.

Undoubtedly, Apple will have more tricks up its sleeve for iOS 8. The writers at TechRadar hope the industry giant will do something about those pesky Mail attachments.

MCCANN: “I can’t attach a document. It’s a simple thing, why can’t I do it? Jonny Ive, tell me, please. Write to me. I don’t know.”

BEAVIS: “It is crazy, the fact that you can’t just clip things that you want to clip.”

As for the screenshots, despite 9to5Mac standing by their sources, The Verge is suspicious, writing "We're not completely sold, since any registered iOS developer could theoretically whip something like this up without much effort."

Apple will likely reveal iOS 8, officially this time, at its Worldwide Developers Conference later this summer.