U.S. NewsMilitary


Military Reservist Claims He Was Denied Service At 7-Eleven

A soldier claimed a 7-Eleven employee refused to serve him because he was in the military.

A 7-Eleven in Washington is getting the wrong kind of press after a military reservist said he was denied service because he was in the military. Collin Brown says he was buying cigarettes and showed his military ID to prove his age. (Video via WJW-TV)

“She said, 'You're in the military?' I said, 'Yes.' She said, 'I can't serve you,'" Brown told KIRO

After asking for the manager's information, Brown says he was able to make the purchase. (Video via KIRO

Brown's friends and family put the story online, and it's been shared over 12,000 times. You can imagine the reaction.

In response, 7-Eleven corporate released a statement basically saying the employee was only following the law because she couldn't see Brown's date of birth on his military ID. The problem with that defense is military IDs have birth dates on the back.

To be fair, 7-Eleven has promoted the military. Just this year, the company gave three veterans the keys to their own store franchises. (Video via 7-Eleven

Brown told KIRO he wants 7-Eleven to look into it and possibly retrain its employees. 

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