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NBC: President Trump Authorized Soleimani Killing Seven Months Ago

Current and former senior administration officials tell NBC President Trump authorized Soleimani's death months ago.
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Current and former senior officials with President Trump's administration say he authorized the killing of Iranian military general Qassem Soleimani seven months ago, according to NBC.

The outlet reports that five current and former officials say, former national security advisor, John Bolton advised President Trump to authorize killing Soleimani in retaliation for Iran shooting down a U.S. drone in June. NBC says the officials say Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also wanted the president to authorize an attack on Soleimani. 

At the time, President Trump reportedly agreed to green light Soleimani's death, if increased Iranian aggression resulted in the death of an American.

This revelation is placing further scrutiny on the Trump administration's justification for Soleimani's death in a U.S. airstrike earlier this month. The strike followed shortly after an American defense contractor was killed in a rocket attack in Iraq.

The administration has maintained its stance Soleimani was planning attacks against U.S. embassies in the region, as the cause of the strike, amid growing requests for evidence from members of Congress.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN