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Security Video Shows US, Kurdish Raid Of ISIS Prison

U.S. and Kurdish forces reportedly freed 70 hostages from an ISIS prison in Iraq.

This video shows U.S. and Kurdish peshmerga forces freeing 70 prisoners from ISIS captivity.

ISIS was reportedly planning a mass execution of the prisoners. More than 20 were Iraqi security officials.

The raid took place Thursday in Hawija, a city in Iraq's Kirkuk province.

Cover fire from the U.S. and Kurdish forces was heard as hostages escaped.

Forty-eight Kurdish peshmerga led the raid, and 30 U.S. special operations forces played a supporting role. 

The hostages were led to six helicopters waiting outside the prison.

Five ISIS fighters were detained, and "several" were killed during raid, according to the Pentagon.

Three peshmerga were injured.

U.S. Army Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler was killed — the first American combat death in Iraq since 2011.

This video includes at Chris Zabriskie / CC BY 4.0.

Correction: An earlier version of this video should have said  U.S. special operations forces were involved with the raid, not U.S. Special Forces. The video has been updated.