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Taliban Claims Responsibility For Attack Killing Top Afghan Official

According to Afghan officials, Kandahar's police chief was shot and killed after meeting with a top U.S. commander, who escaped unharmed.
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The Taliban has claimed responsibility for killing one of Afghanistan's top security officials in an attack Thursday. 

Afghan officials tell media outlets that Kandahar's police chief was shot and killed following a meeting with a top U.S. and NATO commander, Gen. Austin Scott Miller

U.S. forces say the commander escaped unharmed, but at least two Americans were wounded in the crossfire.  

According to the Taliban, both the police chief and Miller were targets. 

The incident happened at the governor's residence. A NATO spokesperson said the attacker is reportedly dead. 

The police chief's killing comes days before Afghanistan's parliamentary elections, which the Taliban has vowed to disrupt

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN