U.S. NewsMilitary


Trump Taps Robert Wilkie To Head VA

Wilkie, who's been serving as acting secretary since late March, appears to have made a good impression on President Trump.
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President Donald Trump has nominated Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie to lead the VA. 

"The acting secretary, Wilkie, who by the way has done an incredible job at the VA, and I'll be informing him in a little while. He doesn't know this yet, but we're going to be putting his name up for nomination to be secretary of the veterans administration," Trump said. 

Wilkie has been acting secretary since late March and appears to have made a good impression on Trump. 

He took on the role after Trump fired then-Secretary David Shulkin. Shulkin's departure came shortly after a VA inspector general report detailing allegations that Shulkin misused taxpayer dollars.

Trump then nominated Adm. Ronny Jackson, who withdrew his nomination after facing multiple allegations of improper conduct. 

Wilkie is a reserve officer in the United States Air Force. He has over two decades of experience, including serving as assistant secretary of defense for four years during the George W. Bush administration.

Wilkie will now have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.