U.S. NewsMilitary


Wisconsin Gov. Orders National Guard Troops Back From Border

Gov. Tony Evers' predecessor ordered some of the state's National Guard troops to support border agents in Arizona last year.
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Wisconsin is now the third state this month to pull at least some of its National Guard troops from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Gov. Tony Evers tweeted Monday, "There is simply not ample evidence to support the president's contention of a national security crisis at our southwestern border."

He also signed an executive order to bring the 112 National Guard troops currently stationed at the border back home.

In compliance with a presidential proclamation, Evers' Republican predecessor Scott Walker ordered two-dozen National Guard troops to Arizona last June to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection. 

The governors of New Mexico and California issued similar orders to withdraw their National Guard troops from the border earlier this month. Just over a dozen New Mexico National Guard troops are remaining near the state's southwestern border though, where the number of large scale crossings has increased in recent months.

Without the three states' forces, just over 1,600 National Guard troops will be left at the border in Texas and Arizona.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.