U.S. News


More Police Departments Equipping Officers With Body Cameras

The Los Angeles Police Department is already using the cameras and the New York Police Department is expected to start using them soon.
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Police officers are there to watch over citizens, and now technology is helping citizens watch over the officers — and anyone they come in contact with.

CNN reports more and more cities are trying out body-mounted cameras for officers to wear while on duty. The Los Angeles Police Department is already using it, while the New York Police Department is reportedly "reviewing" the cameras.

Denver's police department is getting them too. (Via KCNC

"Individuals make allegations of 'The officer did this' or 'The officer did that' or the officer makes allegations that 'I did this' or 'I did that based on the incident that I was involved in.' It's right there on the camera."

The cameras come in a couple different forms. They can be attached to an officer's sunglasses or clipped onto the shirt in the shoulder or chest area. (Via KABC

Supporters of the officer-cameras say they help with gathering evidence and can sometimes stop excessive and unnecessary force from officers. (Via TASER International)

But opponents say the constant filming poses a serious privacy risk, since many innocent people could be picked up by the cameras.

Overall, the ACLU vouches for the practice, saying as long as the policies dealing with major issues, like when the cameras are turned on and what happens to the footage, are smart, body-mounted cameras are "a win for all."

A police chief in California told CNN that in just one year of using the cameras, complaints against the department's officers dropped from 60 to just three.