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MSNBC Host Apologizes For Mocking Romneys' Black Grandson

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry apologized after poking fun at Mitt and Ann Romney's African-American grandson.
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MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and two other panelists on her show poked fun at a family picture of Mitt and Ann Romney and their grandchildren posted to Twitter Christmas Eve.

And they zeroed in on one grandchild in particular: the Romneys' adopted African-American grandson, Kieran. (Via Twitter / @MittRomney)

"One of these things is not like the other."

"My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West." (Via MSNBC)

Harris-Perry, actress Pia Glenn and comedian Dean Obeidallah made the taboo comments while coming up with captions for some of the most noteworthy political photos of the year. (Via New York Daily News)

Former Republican Sen. Scott Brown, who is also a friend of the Romneys, tweeted: "MSNBC should apologize for this wildly inappropriate incident. Viewers and the Romney family deserve better." (Via Twitter / @SenScottBrown)​

And it didn't take long for Harris-Perry and company to post their apologies. (Via Twitter / @MHarrisPerry)

The host wrote, "As black child born into large white Mormon family I feel familiarity w/ Romney family pic & never meant to suggest otherwise." (Via Twitter / @MHarrisPerry)​

The three panelists also say it wasn't their intention to mock or target the baby with their comments. No word on whether Harris-Perry will face any disciplinary action from MSNBC, and the network has yet to comment on the incident.