U.S. News


Navy Investigates Senior Instructors For Cheating On Test

Navy officials said those instructors allegedly shared answers to a test on nuclear reactor operations.
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U.S. Navy officials announced the investigation into nearly 30 senior instructors at a nuclear propulsion school Tuesday for an alleged cheating scandal. 

Those officials say sailors at a training facility in Charleston, S.C. exchanged answers to a written exam that qualifies instructors to help operate the nuclear reactors that power submarines and carriers. (Via U.S. Navy)

"We operate using 11-person watch teams ... This incident, as the CNO said, involves the compromise of, the alleged compromise of the written exam to qualify just one of those 11 watch stations." ​(Via CNN)

An enlisted sailor first alerted superiors to the alleged cheating Monday. Navy officials said the exam doesn't have anything to do with operating nuclear weapons and, so far, only staff members have been found to be involved. 

The Navy's investigation into cheating follows a similar incident in which 92 Air Force nuclear missile launch officers came under investigation for cheating on a monthly proficiency exam. (Via NBC)

The Air Force incident allegedly took place at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana and involved officers responsible for operating intercontinental ballistic missiles. (Via CBS)

Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James called that situation completely unacceptable but ensured the nation's nuclear arsenal remains safe. The Air Force suspended and decertified those involved. (Via The New York Times)

Navy officials said those sailors who are suspended have also been decertified. If they are found guilty, they will be removed entirely from the nuclear propulsion program.