U.S. News


Newark, New Jersey Is Having Its Own Water Crisis

For months the city said the drinking water was safe.

People in Newark, New Jersey are demanding answers after city officials revealed there are elevated levels of lead in the drinking water of some homes and buildings. For more than a year, the city has said the water is safe, even posting a declaration on Newark's official website. 

But in mid-October, the city released a statement, saying there was lead in the water, and suggested people use water bottles or filters. And people in Newark are furious, accusing city leadership of misleading them.

About 25 percent of children in Newark have detectable lead in their blood, according to CBS News. Any amount of lead is unsafe for children and women who are pregnant. 

The non-profit organization Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit against the city in June on behalf of the residents. It claims "Newark's drinking water has some of the highest lead levels of any big city in the nation." It also charges city officials "repeatedly misled the public about the dangers of drinking unfiltered tap water for much of the last year."