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Not-So-Happy Birthday, Mr. President: Obama's 3 Worst Gifts

After scouring the web, here are our top three not-so-happy 53rd birthday gifts for U.S President Barack Obama.
and last updated

President Barack Obama celebrated his 53rd birthday over the weekend with some golf followed by a short getaway at Camp David in Maryland. (Via Getty Images)

So we thought it would be a fun time to scour the web for the top three birthday gifts for the U.S. commander in chief. But instead we ended up finding exactly the opposite. So here are Obama's top three not-so-happy birthday gifts.

At number three, we'll begin in The White House press room, as reporters give the gift of, well, not really caring about the President's birthday at all. (Via Getty Images)

"I thought that you guys were going to ask me how I was going to spend my birthday. What happened to the happy birthday thing? I, I, I will ..."

At number two, The Republican Nation Committee set up this website where those who oppose Mr. Obama's executive actions can sign up to be included on a kind of tongue-in-cheek gift from the GOP: a copy of the U.S. Constitution. The site says it will to deliver it to The White House "so Obama can read it before he picks up his pen or phone."

And finally, for our top not-so-happy birthday gift, we visit a rooftop in Russia. This video from Russian media shows some students hanging this politically-and-likely-racially-charged banner protesting Obama. (Via Youtube / RuplyTV)

It translates to "Don't see. Don't hear. Truth for no one" and the image went viral on Monday. The Washington Post says it's probably a parody of the Three Wise Monkey's proverb: "See no evil. Speak no evil. Hear no evil." (Via Twitter / Kevin Rothrock)

Most likely a political jab at what the protesters believe is Obama's "hypocritical handling of the situation in Ukraine." Yep, this one definitely takes the cake as our top not-so-happy birthday for the U.S. President. (Via The Moscow Times)

But for those who would prefer a more traditional route for celebrating the President's birthday, the Obama camp set up a way for supporters to sign an e-birthday card on his official website.