U.S. News


NYC Bar Association Urges Congress To Probe AG William Barr

The issue at hand, according to its letter sent to majority and minority leaders, is Barr doesn't act impartially.
Posted 1:15 PM, Jan 10, 2020
and last updated 4:51 PM, Jul 24, 2024

The NYC Bar Association wants Congress to investigate what it says is a "troubling pattern of conduct" from Attorney General William Barr. 

The issue at hand, according to its letter sent to majority and minority leaders, is Barr doesn't act impartially. 

The letter listed four examples of speeches or remarks Barr made to support its assertion. 

One was a speech Barr made to the Federalist Society’s National Lawyers Convention in November 2019. 

In his speech Barr said: "it is the Left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and the undermining of the rule of law."

The City Bar, an organization of voluntary lawyers and law students, said avoiding bias, prejudice or partisanship are bedrock obligations for government lawyers. An obligation it said Barr also missed when describing the Mueller report before releasing a redacted version. The City Bar also has also previously called for Barr to recuse himself from investigations into Ukraine.