U.S. News


Pizza Delivery Driver Helps Save Choking Man's Life

A Colorado pizza delivery driver saved a man's life after performing CPR while on the job.

It’s official: Pizza saves lives.

When Anson Lemmer went to his third day of work at Uncle Pizza in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, he had a normal day of pizza deliveries ...

Until the last run of the night. He found a man turning blue and in desperate need of CPR.

"I knew it was a time sensitive issue and something needed to be done," Lemmer told KUSA.

Lemmer didn't hesitate, he told the Post Independent: “It’s important not to get caught up in the bystander effect. ... He's going to wake up with sore ribs.” 

After about 10 minutes, the man started to breathe again and was taken to the local hospital for further treatment.

"He shook my hand and tipped me out pretty well," he said.

Lemmer says he called his parents after the rescue, telling them: “I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man.

And hey! Ordering pizza has saved more than one life. 

Memphis resident Jean Wilson used to order Domino's pizza every day for three years. When her local store hadn’t heard from her for three days, a delivery person to check on her. 

As it turned out, Wilson had fallen and couldn’t get to a phone to call for help.

This video includes images from Getty Images.