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Police: Arizona Girls Locked Up, Abused, Watched By Cameras

New information has surfaced in the case of three Arizona girls police say were imprisoned in their own home, and the details are horrifying.
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New information has surfaced in the case of three young girls Tucson police say were imprisoned in their own home by their mother and stepfather — and the details are horrifying.

Investigators said in a press conference Wednesday afternoon the three sisters, ages 12, 13 and 17, were imprisoned for possibly two years by "a variety of means both technological and psychological." (Via New York Daily News)

The police chief told reporters the sisters were watched with surveillance cameras 24 hours a day, bombarded constantly with loud music or white noise and kept behind locked doors guarded by elaborate alarm systems. (Via CNN)

The girls reportedly even had to use their closets as bathrooms when their parents failed to let them out of their locked bedrooms.

 "We did find several bags with a lot of clothing contaminated by human waste in the closets, also jars of what appears to possibly be human waste." (Via WWBT)

34​-year-old Fernando Richter and 32-year-old Sophia Richter were arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and child abuse charges Tuesday after police say the two younger girls made their escape from the home. (Via Daily Mail)

"They had run to a neighbors house alleging that their stepfather had kicked in their bedroom door and was attempting to assault them with a knife." (Via WMDT)

After the neighbors called authorities to the house, they found the oldest girl locked in a bedroom. When the three sisters reunited, police said it was clear the two younger girls hadn't seen their big sister in a long time.

According to officers, the sisters were extremely malnourished and dirty when they were found, and the girls told them they hadn't bathed in up to six months. (Via WXIX)

Police say they were stunned by the volume of the music playing when they arrived at the Richters' home Tuesday. The noise was so loud, the 17-year-old reportedly had no idea officers were inside until they entered her bedroom.

Officers who rescued the oldest girl reported towels stuffed under doors and in air vents to prevent the noise from traveling outside the home. (Via WCMH)

The sisters are now together in a group home. Fernando and Sophia Richter appeared in court via video Wednesday, and their bail has been set at $100,000 and $75,000, respectively. (Via WAGA)