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Secret Campaign Gets Indiana Teen Elected Prom King

Albert Cyliax is a well-liked senior at Columbus East High School. The teen with Down syndrome had no idea his friends did a special campaign for him.
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"The 2015 Columbus East prom king is Albert Cyliax!" (Video via WRTV)

That is Albert Cyliax, basically the happiest teen at Columbus East High School's prom this past weekend.

Albert, who has Down syndrome, was apparently one of the few people at his high school near Indianapolis who didn't know his friends had launched a schoolwide campaign to get him elected prom king.

"At first, he jumped and ran over," said Courtney Williams, who was voted prom queen. "I gave him a high five. I just wanted to give him a big hug. It was just such a special moment."

"I am king!" Albert told WRTV while standing alongside Courtney. "I am king! Cheese!"

Albert is a senior, and his teachers told our partners at WRTV he's very well-known and well-liked around his school. To officially get nominated for prom king, you need 30 votes. Albert got more than 150.

On Monday, he showed off his dance moves. That's his date, Taylor, on the left and prom queen Courtney Williams on the right.

He also made sure to tell WRTV just how many friends he has and how special their secret campaign made him feel.

"They put it on your head?" Albert's life skills teacher Peggy Myers said.

"Yeah," he answered.

"And how did it feel?" his teacher asked.

"Happy, yo! Man!" Albert said.