U.S. News


Senate Passes Bill To Cut Tariffs On Some Foreign Products

The Senate passed the bill unanimously.

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation Thursday that would cut or eliminate tariffs on hundreds of products made outside the U.S.

The bill originally passed in the House in January. The legislation will affect imports of goods ranging from toasters to chemicals to raw materials. And Reuters reports nearly half of the items affected come from China.

Sen. Orrin Hatch says the bill will help American companies be more competitive and make it easier for them to get products that are difficult to obtain in the U.S.

But Reuters reports the bill's detractors say it's not good for domestic manufacturers and just makes it easier for companies to bring in cheaper goods from outside the U.S.

Because the Senate made some changes to the House bill before passing it, Congress will have to work out the differences before it can send it to President Donald Trump to sign.