U.S. News


Single Mom Dresses Like A Guy To Take Her Kid To 'Donuts With Dad'

The mom has received a flood of support.

Single moms frequently go above and beyond for their kids. And this single mom who dressed up as a guy to take her son to a father-kid event is no exception.

The occasion was Donuts with Dad at 12-year-old Elijah's school. As Yevette Vasquez was dropping her son off, he told her all the extra cars were there for the fathers' event.

So, Elijah's mom hurried back home and put her dad outfit together to make sure her son got to participate. 

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Vasquez shared the finished look and pictures from the event on Facebook. The post got around 15 thousand reactions in under a week. Some commenters praised Vasquez for acting like both a mom and a dad in that situation.

In her post, the Texas mom said, "I know seeing other dads with (their) kids isn't easy for mine but (it's) life, at least I can do whatever it takes to put a smile on that face."

The parenting blog Scary Mommy gave kudos to the mom but pointed out the school could've avoided a situation where kids could feel left out because of their family structure by not making school parenting events gender-specific. 

But, for what it's worth, it looks like the kid enjoyed seeing his mom all dressed up.