U.S. News


Some Alabama School Administrators Will Be Able To Keep Gun At School

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced the Alabama Sentry Program on Wednesday.

With approval and training, Alabama school administrators will be able to keep a gun at school in a secured safe to use in case of an active shooter situation. 

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced the voluntary Alabama Sentry Program on Wednesday. 

A school safety task force created after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting recommended school resource officers throughout the state. But Ivey said the Alabama Sentry Program is a way to protect studentsuntil there are enough resource officers to go around.

The program allows school administrators in schools without a resource officer to "use lethal force to defend the students, faculty, staff and visitors of his or her school from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death by an armed intruder." 

The administrators have to meet a few requirements, though. They have to get a concealed-carry pistol permit and pass a drug screening, mental health assessment and stress test. They also need approval from their county sheriff, local superintendent and school board. 

The program isn't open to teachers. A press release from Ivey's office said that's because school administrators have access to the entire school and are responsible for keeping all students safe, not just one classroom.

According to an executive memo from Ivey, a team will make a list of authorized weapons and storage systems trained school administrators can use.

The program will start this coming school year, and school administrator training will begin this summer. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.