U.S. News


Americans' Knowledge Of The Holocaust Might Be Dwindling

A new study suggests there's now a gap in Americans' knowledge about the Holocaust.

Americans' knowledge about the Holocaust is dwindling. That's according to a new study from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

It found nearly a third of Americans think 2 million Jews or fewer were killed during the Holocaust. According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, that number is closer to 6 million.

And the survey found fewer than half of Americans can't name a single concentration camp.

The Claims Conference says, "Schools must be responsible for providing comprehensive Holocaust education."

But there were also some "encouraging" results in the study. Ninety-three percent of Americans say all students should learn about the Holocaust in school.

And 80 percent of respondents say it's important to continue Holocaust education so another atrocity like it doesn't happen again.