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Sunday Shows: Angelou, Sharpton Reflect On Mandela's Legacy

Talk of Nelson Mandela's global impact took front and center on the Sunday shows. And GOP lawmakers expressed concern over the nuclear deal with
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On the Sunday shows this week, reviewing the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

MAYA ANGELOU: "Had there been no Mandela, we would see the blood running in the street."

And concern over the nuclear deal with Iran.

MIKE MCCAUL: "They are not intent on a civilian nuclear peaceful program."

For National Journal, I'm Zach Toombs. Three days after the death of South African leader Nelson Mandela, poet Maya Angelou sat with CBS "Face the Nation" to reflect on his impact.

ANGELOU: "Nelson Mandela, released from prison, came out smiling and holding hands with whites and holding white babies and saying, 'This is a time for friendship.'"

And over at NBC's "Meet the Press" a debate broke out over Ronald Reagan's record on Mandela, who was actually on the U.S. terror watch list until 2008. Here's Al Sharpton. (Via Bloomberg)

SHARPTON: "Reagan denounced Mandela, called him names. Let us not act — he evolved after a protest movement. … But let's not act like Reagan was a major supporter of Mandela and the anti-apartheid movement."

Elsewhere, House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul voiced a common complaint from Republicans in Congress: that the deal with Iran to ramp down its nuclear program gives up too much. (Via ITN)

MCCAUL: "What I'm concerned about is that we have not dismantled their program and yet relieved their sanctions, which is a $7 billion economic aid to the country." (Via CNN)

And a debate over extending unemployment benefits is underway among lawmakers. House Speaker John Boehner says he's open to a proposal, but Sen. Rand Paul says not so much.

PAUL: "I do support unemployment benefits for the 26 weeks that they're paid for. If you extend it beyond that, you do a disservice to these workers. … You're causing them to become part of this perpetual unemployed group in our economy." (Via Fox News)

If Congress does not take action, 1.3 million long-term unemployed Americans will lose benefits Dec. 28.