U.S. News


Thousands Of Protesters Gather For 'Ferguson October'

'Ferguson October' rekindles civil disobedience in the St. Louis area after another 18-year-old is shot by police, sparking remaining tensions.
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St. Louis saw renewed protests over the weekend, as demonstrators rallied against perceived police brutality in the wake of another police killing in the area. 

The latest protests, labeled Ferguson October, included a major march into downtown St. Louis, while previous protests had been more focused at the sites of the killings. (Video via CBS)

Protests had calmed in recent weeks in comparison to those that followed the shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was killed by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson. (Video via ABC)

But that changed after an off-duty officer shot 18-year-old Vonderrit D. Myers, who police allege exchanged fire with the officer — although family members and some witnesses say Myers was unarmed. (Video via NBC)

The latest protests were largely peaceful, and came with a number of panels and services highlighting the cause of social justice, as well as a concert planned for Sunday. 

It's impossible to ignore the protests during a big weekend for St. Louis sports fans.  The Cardinals started off baseball's National League Championship Series against the San Francisco Giants while protesters were demonstrating downtown. 

RAY PRESTON, KMOV: "You know, October in St. Louis usually means baseball and of course that's happening this weekend ... You'll see several officers around the stadiums, more officers this time than usual." 

A writer for the Los Angeles Times noted the contrast between the pride of the city over the Cardinals, and the continuing racial tensions, writing "Lines have also been drawn between the region’s fervent Cardinals fan base and passionate demonstrators calling for an end to police shootings."

A clash between protesters and some Cardinals fans made news earlier in the week, as some of the fans hurled racist insults at protesters.  Though some fans sided with protesters as well. (Video via Livestream / Argus Streaming News)

One of the images that stuck in the minds of several demonstrators and journalists was that of the water in the fountain in Kiener Plaza, dyed red for the Cardinals, eerily resembling blood. 

With the grand jury decision on whether or not to press charges against Officer Darren Wilson expected in November, there's a lack of closure for protesters, and fears over what could happen should charges not be pressed continue. 

MYCHAL DENZEL SMITH, VIA MSNBC: "This is two months on and people exhausted physically and emotionally drained have this psychic toll that's taken on them — they are still there and people are still showing up ... It will intensify, the longer this goes on."

Events are planned to continue through Monday, when protestors will conduct a day of civil disobedience across St. Louis.

This story includes an image from Getty Images and jpellgen / CC BY NC ND 2.0