U.S. News


Utah Could Soon Have The Toughest DUI Law In The US

The state Senate voted Wednesday to lower the legal blood alcohol level from .08 to .05 for drivers.
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Utah could soon have the toughest DUI law in the nation.

The state Senate voted Wednesday to lower the legal blood alcohol level from .08 to .05 for drivers.

To put that into perspective, a 160-pound man could blow a .05 after drinking two beers. And a 120-pound woman would be pretty close to the legal limit after just one drink.

Supporters of the new legislation say it will help keep dangerous drivers off the road and prevent drunken driving accidents.

And the .05 blood alcohol content limit falls in line with what the National Transportation Safety Board recommended back in 2013

But some experts say the proposal might not do much to make the roads safer.

A statement from the American Beverage Institute notes more than 70 percent of alcohol-related traffic fatalities are caused by drivers with a BAC of .15 or higher.

A spokesperson for Utah Gov. Gary Herbert says he is "supportive" of the bill but wouldn't say whether he plans to sign it. If he does, the law will take effect Dec. 30, 2018.