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Pornhub Has A Video Game To Help You Track Sexercise

The company is marketing it as "the fitness method gyms don't want you to know about."

Pornhub announced a new sexercise video game for your smartphone.

BangFit users watch along with an adult video and aim to coordinate their movements with what they're watching, up to three players at a time.

The company is marketing the game as "the fitness miracle gyms don’t want you to know about," but it should be noted experts don't recommend substituting your regular gym visits with sex.

Simply "affix" your smartphone to your hips and your phone's accelerometer and gyroscope track how many calories you burn. Other fitness trackers use the same technology to track your results.

We're not sure BangFit is what Steve Jobs had in mind when he introduced these features in the iPhone, but Pornhub says its use of the technology is just what we need to combat a sedentary lifestyle.

"Even when we move, we don't move," the company's promotional video says.

BangFit does have one-person games, and you can even post your "fitness routine" to Facebook.