Pornhub's home page is now covered in pictures of sweet, steamy, juicy, succulent ... corn. You heard me right, C-O-R-N, corn.
Happy April Fools' Day! Well done, Pornhub. We'll never look at a can of corn the same way again.
Its corny prank headlines promise viewers "hard shucking" and "a-maize-ing hardcore action." Be careful, though — those images redirect to some of the site's more ... traditional content.
Virgin America also channeled its inner middle schooler to join in on the day's festivities with a newly designed logo.
The prank announcement features the actual Virgin Group founder talking about his sophomoric doodles, with a team of creatives playing along.
"When I first saw Richard's sketches, I went nuts," someone in the Virgin America prank video said.
This video includes an image from Getty Images.