U.S. NewsWeird


Port-A-Potty Prank Surprises Festivalgoers

A New York improv group surprised concertgoers by hiding musical groups inside port-a-potties.

It happened to her ... and to him ... and to her. 

It seemed to be a normal day at the Governors Ball music festival in New York. It turned out to be anything but normal. 

Members of the New York City-based Improv Everywhere group, known for unusual missions such as the "No Pants Subway Ride," set up their latest stunt in a place where they knew they'd shock people. Hence the "Magical Port-A-Potty" mission. 

Well, mission accomplished. Concertgoers were definitely surprised by the multimember bands and singing groups exiting from what appeared to be one port-a-potty. 

So how did all those people fit in one port-a-potty? Well, they didn't. 

Festival workers cut out the back of one port-a-potty, put it in the middle of the others and made a break in the back fencing, allowing for the performing individuals to enter through, one at a time. 

Improv Everywhere uses what it calls undercover agents, or citizen volunteers, to pull off these stunts. The group has carried out more than 100 missions.

This video includes images and footage from Improv Everywhere.